Procedures for enlarged prostates

Surgical treatments for benign enlargement of the prostate (BPH) are available when medicines a haven’t afforded a benefit  or for men who do not wish to remain on longterm medication for their prostate condition. Surgery is also used to treat men suffering from urinary retention who are unable to pass urine and are dependent on a catheter to empty their bladder, and for men who have repeated urine infections or bleeding due to their enlarged prostate.

By offering PVP, HoLEP, REZUM, UroLift and TURP, Mr Zakikhani is able to offer patients a range of treatment options for their prostate problem, and offer a tailored treatment option that best suits you.


REZUM is a  minimally invasive treatment that uses steam vapour to shrink the prostate and improve urinary symptoms. It is carried as day case and patients are able to return normal daily activity within a few days.

HOLEP-laser enucleation of prostate

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HoLEP (Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate) is a minimally invasive surgical treatment for men with any degree of prostate enlargement who have urinary symptoms, and men who are suffering from retention of urine, repeated urine infections or bleeding due to their enlarged prostate. A laser is used to remove the area of the prostate that is causing the problem.  It has been shown to be the most durable surgical technique with less complications compared to conventional TURP.


 TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate) is the traditional treatment which involves scraping away the part of the prostate tissue which is causing a blockage using an electric current.



Uro Lift is a minimally invasive treatment for men with urinary symptoms due to minimal- moderate enlargement of the prostate. Mr Zakikhani gained experience with Urolift with some of the highest users in the world whilst on his fellowship in Sydney.  It involves pinning back the obstructive prostate tissue. It is not suitable for all men with urinary symptoms.

Photovaporisation of Prostate

PVP, also known as Green Light Laser, uses laser technology to vaporise obstructive prostate tissue.  Mr Zakikhani is happy to offer Ejaculatory Preserving Prostate surgery using this modality to help preserve sexual function.