Conditions and Treatment
Prostate Health

Prostate Symptoms
An enlarged prostate can seriously affect the quality of life of both men and women due to disturbed sleeping patterns. Mr Zakikhani has established the HOLEP service Brighton and Hove and offers various laser and minimally invasive surgical treatments, including UROLIFT and REZUM.

Elevated PSA
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men and is the second most common cause of death in males. Mr Zakikhani offers, prostate cancer screening to well informed men, utilising PSA, MRI and fusion guided biopsies if appropriate.

Prostatitis can be a debilitating condition affecting men. It can have bacterial and non-bacterial causes, it can be acute or cause chronic pain. Mr Zakikhani offers a range of treatments to help improve the quality of life for men affected.
Bladder Problems

Haematuria is also known as blood in your urine. It can either be visible, seen by the patient (urine can be pink, red or dark brown), or non-visible (picked up by a health professional on a dipstick or microscope). It is therefore important to discuss the merits of screening with imaging and a daycase procedure called a cystoscopy which inspects the bladder lining.

Overactive Bladder
An overactive bladder (OAB)significantly impacts how people manage their daily routines, in constant search of a toilet. OAB is treated in a step like fashion transitioning to more complex treatments if initial measures have failed.

Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections - UTI
A urinary tract infection (UTI) causes the lining of the bladder to become inflamed, red and sore. Typically patients complain of "cystitis", there are several treatment strategies available to help combat these debilitating infections.
Kidney Stones
Mr Zakikhani is a laser specialist and high volume stone surgeon. He is a specialist in endoluminal endourology, minimising the need for open wounds.
He offers all available treatments for complex and renal stones, which include, laser treatments, ultrasound therapy (ESWL) or keyhole surgery,

Vasectomy Reversal
Mr Zakikhani utilities Carl Zeiss microscope to perform vasectomy reversals for fertility to offer the best approximation of the cut ends of the vas deferens.

General Urology
Paimaun performs most general urological procedures, particularly when symptoms are significant. A non-exhaustive list of procedures are:
- Circumcision
- Epididymal cyst excision
- Hydrocele repair – Jaboulay and Lord’s placation
- Bladder biopsy
- Bladder neck incision
- Laser Cystolitholapaxy (removal of bladder stones)
- Cystoscopy under local or general anaesthetic
- Excision of sebaceous cysts of the scrotum
- Foreskin sparing surgery for phimosis including,
- Frenuloplasty
- Insertion and removal of ureteric stents
- Insertion of suprapubic catheter
- Insertion of testicular prosthesis
- Meatal dilatation
- Optical Urethrotomy
- Orchidectomy (Removal of Testicle for cancer or benign disease)
- Preputioplasty, dorsal and ventral slit.
- Prostatic massage
- Testicular fixation (Orchidopexy)
- Transurethral resection of bladder tumour
- Transurethral resection of the prostate
- Treatment of penile warts
- Urethral dilatation

Mr Zakikhani offers vasectomy under local and general anaesthetic depending on patients preference. He is able to perform both scalpel and no scalpel vasectomy.
Have any questions? We are always open to answer queries about how we can help you.